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A long overdue site refresh

Another successful site refresh that was long overdue!

Posted: October 10, 2014
A long overdue site refresh

A successful site refresh that was long overdue!

Well at long last I’ve gone through a successful site refresh that was long overdue. Like the shoemakers children who run around barefoot, my site had taken a back seat for a number of years. I hope you enjoy the new layout and content as it gets added and added back in. Essentially I’ve merged the site and the blog under a single roof and I’m in the process of adding in some online courses from the old learn sub-site. Enjoy them for free while they remain free, I will be charging for the full courses starting in 2015 but will try to leave some of the intro courses free. If you have something specific that you would like me to make into a course just send me a message or leave your thoughts in the comments below.

You are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with. Shortly, I will also be running through another iteration of my “Back on Track” experiment. This will be version 3 – they say the third time is a charm right? -. I hope you take the initiative and join in! It’s all about personal growth and being the best you can be. Getting accountable with yourself and clearing out all of the old -usually bad – habits. I find that even with the best of intentions, its easy to fall into old, unhealthy habits and the BOT (Back on Track) experiment is good for getting out of the ruts and moving in a new direction.

I  also want to focus more on the entrepreneurial, technology, education and video game development arenas now that I’ve updated the site and have a renewed vigor for improving my writing. I may even have a podcast in the works that will appeal to the gamers in the crowd.

Also please note that I’ve switched to the Disqus platform for comments, in part because the amount of spam I was getting was ridiculous and in part because I would love to see more actual community like conversations take place. Don’t be afraid to comment!

As always… Thoughts, Flames & Feedback are always welcome!

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Written by Robert French a vibrational essence experiencing this physical manifestation from beautiful Peterborough Ontario, where he creates useful things. You should follow them on Twitter

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